>> Referencen

  • Scientific accompany and monitoring of the research project "Optimising the Rehabilitation of Mine Tailings and Water", Research Focusarea: Environmental Science and Management (375) at then North-West University, South Africa in collaboration with the research and development company Impact Chemical Corporation / Impact SupaZorb

  • Scientific Work in the Field of Simulation of antropogenic Waste Streams by evolutionary Algorithm

  • Presentations and Abstracts for international Conferences with Topics of Waste Management, Environmental Managenent and Informatics in Civil Engineering

  • Distinction and Assessment of micro-biological (MVOC) and anthropological volatile organic Compounds (VOC) in the Exhaust Air of mechanical-biological Waste-Treatment-Plant

  • Numerical Calculation of Fountain-Inflowing in a taut Aquifer

  • Demarcation of Watse for Recycling and for Disposal,
    Summary of the legal Situation - Impacts for the future Waste Disposal

  • Collaboration at the Research Report for the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (bmb+f)
    Topic: Balance of Environmental Chemicals at the biological pre-treatment of Waste, Phase 2

  • Waste Conference at VISTA University in Pretoria, South Afrika