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Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S.:
The impact of soil degradation on agricultural production in Africa, Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Shabbir A. Shahid, Mohamed Boussaid, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-017-8961-X, December 2016
Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Van Rensburg, L.: In: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation using multi-sector and integrated Approaches; Chapter XX: Risk and chances of sustainable biomass production for the African market; Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Shabbir A. Shahid, Mohamed Boussaid, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-017-8961-X, January 2016
Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S.:
The impact of soil degradation on agricultural production in Africa, International Conference on “Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global risks” (HES2015), Agadir, Morocco
, November 2015
Feher, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O.:
In: Advances in Environmental Research, Volume 38; Chapter 9: Innovative Approach of the Regional Food Retail Trade, Co-edited by Justin A. Daniels, Nova Science Publishers, United States of America, ISBN: 978-1-63482-245-9
, March 2015
Feher, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O., Darazs, G.:
Public Media in Food Business Innovation. 3rd International M-Sphere Conference for Multidisciplinary in Business & Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2nd – 4th October 2014
, October 2014
Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Feher, O.: Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy – How does it work for the EU and the Developing Africa? In: Society and Economy 36 (2014) 2, pp. 217–231, ISSN (Print) 1588-9726 - ISSN (Online) 1588-970X, Published by Akademiai Kiado RT, Ungarn, DOI: 10.1556/SocEc.36.2014.2.5, June 2014
Ferto, I., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O.:
Cultural similarity, communication costs and wine trade in the European Union; 142nd EAAE Seminar “Growing success? Agriculture and rural development in an enlarged EU”, Budapest, Hungary
, May 2014
Fehér, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O., Tóth Bogóné, Z.: Social Media in Food Marketing Innovation; 11th International CIRCLE Conference, University of Manchester, April 2014
Pollmann, O., Pollmann, N., Podruzsik, S., Van Rensburg, L.: In: Agriculture face to recent Changes and Dynamics: Pathways to Sustainability; Chapter 17: Simulation of Carbon Consumption by Biological Models, Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Shabbir A. Shahid, Nazia Mintz-Habib, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-007-6718-8, January 2014 Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Van Rensburg, L.: Risk and chances of sustainable biomass production for the African market; International Conference on “The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis, and Food Insecurity”, Marrakesh, Morocco, November 2013 Behnassi, M., Pollmann, O., Kissinger, G.: Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change; Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Olaf Pollmann, Gabrielle Kissinger, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-007-6718-8, June 2013 Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O., Ferto, I.: Communication costs and wine trade in the European Union; 7th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE), Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2013
Kautt, M., Furrer, R., Pollmann, O., Weber, M.: The Project Management of Sino-German Joint Research Projects in “Environmental Technology and Ecology” – A German Perspective. China-Germany Scientific Research Project Management Workshop; Pujiang Innovation Forum, Shanghai/China, November 2012 Pollmann, O.: In: Chapter: European-Chinese economic potential by effective resource management, Chapter: Co-edited by Szilard Podruzsik, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, June 2012 Bitterberg, Ch., Pollmann, O., Rasmussen M., Boldsen, R, Rolen, C.: Eco-Innovation activities in key countries beyond Europe, co-funded by the European Union in the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 266538, April 2012 Pollmann, O., Pollmann, N., Van Rensburg, L.: In: Metal Contamination: Sources, Detection and Environmental Impact; Chapter 6: Controlled Organic Treatment System for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and Municipal Waste Water, Co-edited by Shao Hong-Bo, Nova Science Publishers, United States of America, ISBN 978-1-61942-116-5, April 2012 Pollmann, O.: Quick Growth, Sustainable Growth - European and Chinese Developments, In International Journal of Society and Economy, ISSN (Print) 1588-9726 - ISSN (Online) 1588-970X, Published by Akademiai Kiado RT, Ungarn, December 2011 Pollmann, O.: Reduction of Anthropogenic Environmental Influences by Advanced and Optimized Technologies: Dissertation an der North-West University, South Africa, November 2011 Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, N., Van Rensburg, L.: Simulation of Carbon Consumption by Biological Models; International Conference on “The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis, and Food Insecurity”, Agadir, Morocco, May 2011 Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Sustainable Agriculture Development: Recent Approaches in Resources Management and Production Boosting, Chapter 5: Reforestation - Quality Improvement of Contaminated Mining Soil, Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Joyce D’silva, and Shahid A. Shabbir, Springer Netherlands, ISBN-10: 9400705182, ISBN-13: 9789400705180, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0519-7_5., March 2011 Pollmann, O., Meyer, S., Blumenstein, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Mine Tailings: Waste or Valuable Resource?;
International Journal of Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Springer Verlag, Volume 1, No 4, ISSN 1877-2641 (print), 1877-265X (online), DOI: 10.1007/s12649-010-9042-6, December 2010 Meyer, S., Pollmann, O., Raschke, S., Blumenstein, O., Van Rensburg, L., Tobler, H.: Decision support systems: Scientific approach, requirements of structure and data on specific purpose types; 24th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, “Integration of Environmental Information in Europe”,
Köln/Bonn, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8322-8458-8, October 2010 Pollmann, O., Berger, S., Van Rensburg, L.: Recycling: Waste, Materials or Resources? New Ways of Thinking and Trendsetting Applications!; 20th WasteCon Conference and Exhibition “WasteCon 2010“; The Institute of Waste Management of South Africa (IWMSA), Pretoria, South Africa, ISBN 978-1-920017-49-1 Pollmann, O., Meyer, S., Blumenstein, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Mine Tailings: Waste, Contaminated Resource or Valuable Soil? Approach of Revalue Mine Tailings for the South African Market; 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Beijing, China, May 2010, ISBN 978-2-9511591-8-1 Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L., Wilson, F.: Optimising the Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Water by an Organic Medium - Passive Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Treatment in South Africa; International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP), Inderscience Publisher, Volume 41, No 3/4, pp 336-354, ISSN 1741-5101 (Online), ISSN 0957-4352 (Print), DOI: 10.1504/IJEP.2010.033240, April 2010 Pollmann, O., Peters, R. Van Rensburg, L., Engel, N.: Traces of Endocrine Disrupting Activity in South African Water Systems; International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management, SETAC Asia/Pacific Joint Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, March 2010 Christian A. Lange, Martin Smit, Olaf Pollmann, Leon van Rensburg: Rehabilitation of South African mining dumps with young Karee trees (Searsia lancea) that were differentially fertilized; The 6th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA, December 2009 Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Reforestation - Quality Improvement of Contaminated Mining Soil; International Conference on “The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the
Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis, and Food Insecurity”, Agadir, Morocco, November 2009 Pollmann, O.: Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Anthropogenic Material Streams; International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor & Francis, Volume 23, Issue 9, pp. 883-893, ISSN 1087-6545 (Online), ISSN 0883-9514 (Print), DOI: 10.1080/08839510903283339, Oktober 2009 Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L., Lange, C.: Reforestation and landscaping on mine tailings – a step forward in mine closure; International Mine Water Conference, hosted and organized by Water Institute of Southern Africa’s Mine Water Division together with the International Mine Water Association, Pretoria, South Africa, Oktober 2009 Controlled Organic Treatment System for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and Municipal Waste Water; International Conference under the aegis of Vikram Universty, IEMPS, Ujjain (venue – Indore), India, Volume I und II (Volume I, pp 419 – 426), November 2008 Soilification: man-made-soil as new resource for agriculture, reforestation and landscaping; Moving Organic Waste Recycling towards Resource Management and for the Biobased Economy (ORBIT), 6th International Conference in Wageningen, The Netherlands, ISBN 3-935974-20-5, Oktober 2008 Sewage Water Treatment including Elimination of Cytotoxicity and Endocrine Disruptors; The Second IASTED Africa Conference on Water Resource Management ~AfricaWRM 2008~, IASTED - International Association of Science and Technology Innovation for Development, Garborone, Botswana, ISBN 978-0-88986-766-6, September 2008 Optimising the Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Water by SupaZorb; Energy Globe 2007 – The World Award for Sustainability, begutachtetes und gelistetes Projekt zur nachhaltigen Wassernutzung (, Mai 2008 Sustainable Full-scale Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Acid Mine Drainage (AMD); WISA Conference 2008 “The Confluence of the Water Industry” of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), ISBN 978-0-9802623-2-2, Mai 2008 Mine-Water clean-up goes organic;
Article in: “The Water Wheel”, The Official Journal of the Water
Research Commission (WRC), Vol. 6, No 6, ISSN 0258-2244, South Africa, November 2007 Africa's make-or-break sollution: Waste goes to work;
Article in: “RéSource” – Integrated resource management toward cleaner production. The official journal of the Institute of Waste Management in Southern Africa (IWMSA), Vol. 9, No 4, ISSN 1680-4902, South Africa, November 2007
Quality guaranteed by an optimal recycled contend formula;
Article in: “RéSource” – Integrated resource management toward cleaner production. The official journal of the Institute of Waste Management in Southern Africa (IWMSA), Vol. 9, No 3, ISSN 1680-4902, South Africa, August 2007
Optimising the Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Water by SupaZorb;
Article in: Environmental Experts Com, Online Publication, Section: Articles & Case Studies, July 2007
Mine water treatment study proposes new solution;
Article/Interview in: Creamer Media’s Mining Weekly, Vol. 13, No. 16, ISSN 1562-9619, South Africa, May 2007 Optimierung anthropogener Stoffströme am Beispiel des Papierrecyclings;
Dissertation, FB 13, TU Darmstadt, Schriftenreihe WAR 189, ISBN 3-932518-85-3, Oktober 2006
Simulation of Anthropogenic Processes of Urban Metabolism;
Konferenz “WasteCon2006 - Bridging the Gab“;
Institute of Waste Management Southern Africa, Südafrika, 2006
Konzeption virtueller Lehre in Kooperation internationaler Hochschulen;
Konferenz “Advanced Technologies in Civil Engineering“;
Hochschule für Verkehrswesen in Hanoi, Vietnam, 2005
Simulation von Herstellungsprozessen nach biologischem Vorbild;
Forum Bauinformatik 2005 - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen,
Seite 273 - 278, ISBN 3-934934-11-0
Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, 2005
Simulation von Papierherstellungsprozessen
nach biologischem Vorbild;
Doktoranden-Seminar des WAR der TU Darmstadt
auf Burg Rieneck, 2005
German Interest in the South African Situation of Waste Management Optimiertes Stoffstrommanagement durch den Einsatz digitaler Managementsysteme;
Forum Bauinformatik 2004; Junge Wissenschaftler forschen,
Seite 248 – 255, ISBN 3-8322-3233-8,
Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2004
e-Learning - Virtuelle Universität im Kontext!;
Beitrag in „European Journal Vocational Training“, Ausgabe 31, Veröffentlicht in den Sprachen Deutsch, Gezieltes Recycling durch optimierte Umweltbilanzierung; Internationales Symposium für Bauwesen der Staatlichen Universität für Bauwesen Rostow am Don, Russland, 2004 Application and Utilization of Facility Management Systems in the Waste Disposal Industry, for the Recording and Monitoring of Hazardous Waste Products; Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium; S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 2003 Nachgemessen - Wie genau ist GPS-Navigation in Kriegszeiten?; c't, Seiten 82-84, Ausgabe 08/2003 Einsatz digitaler Technologien zur Erfassung von Abfällen; Jährliches internationales Symposium für Bauwesen der Staatlichen Universität für Bauwesen Rostow am Don, Russland, 2003 Konzeption internationaler wissenschaftlicher Kooperationen zum Austausch von wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern und Stipendiaten; Jährliches internationales Symposium für Bauwesen der Staatlichen Universität für Bauwesen Rostow am Don, Russland, 2003 Numerische
Berechnung der Brunnenzuströmung in einem gespannten Aquifer, 2000 Abgrenzung
von Abfällen zur Verwertung und Abfällen zur Beseitigung - Übersicht über die rechtliche Situation - Auswirkungen auf die zukünftige Abfallentsorgung, 2000 Untersuchung und Bewertung von
mikrobiellen (MVOC) und anthropogenen VOC in der Abluft von
mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen (MBA), 1999 Mitarbeit beim
des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (bmb+f), 1999
Thema: Bilanzierung
von Umweltchemikalien bei der
Vorbehandlung von
Restabfällen, Phase