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  • Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S.: The impact of soil degradation on agricultural production in Africa, Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Shabbir A. Shahid, Mohamed Boussaid, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-017-8961-X, December 2016

  • Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Van Rensburg, L.: In: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation using multi-sector and integrated Approaches; Chapter XX: Risk and chances of sustainable biomass production for the African market; Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Shabbir A. Shahid, Mohamed Boussaid, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-017-8961-X, January 2016

  • Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S.: The impact of soil degradation on agricultural production in Africa, International Conference on “Human and Environmental Security in the Era of Global risks” (HES2015), Agadir, Morocco , November 2015

  • Feher, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O.: In: Advances in Environmental Research, Volume 38; Chapter 9: Innovative Approach of the Regional Food Retail Trade, Co-edited by Justin A. Daniels, Nova Science Publishers, United States of America, ISBN: 978-1-63482-245-9 , March 2015

  • Feher, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O., Darazs, G.: Public Media in Food Business Innovation. 3rd International M-Sphere Conference for Multidisciplinary in Business & Science, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2nd – 4th October 2014 , October 2014

  • Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Feher, O.: Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy – How does it work for the EU and the Developing Africa? In: Society and Economy 36 (2014) 2, pp. 217–231, ISSN (Print) 1588-9726 - ISSN (Online) 1588-970X, Published by Akademiai Kiado RT, Ungarn, DOI: 10.1556/SocEc.36.2014.2.5, June 2014

  • Ferto, I., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O.: Cultural similarity, communication costs and wine trade in the European Union; 142nd EAAE Seminar “Growing success? Agriculture and rural development in an enlarged EU”, Budapest, Hungary , May 2014

  • Fehér, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O., Tóth Bogóné, Z.: Social Media in Food Marketing Innovation; 11th International CIRCLE Conference, University of Manchester, April 2014

  • Pollmann, O., Pollmann, N., Podruzsik, S., Van Rensburg, L.: In: Agriculture face to recent Changes and Dynamics: Pathways to Sustainability; Chapter 17: Simulation of Carbon Consumption by Biological Models, Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Shabbir A. Shahid, Nazia Mintz-Habib, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-007-6718-8, January 2014

  • Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Van Rensburg, L.: Risk and chances of sustainable biomass production for the African market; International Conference on “The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis, and Food Insecurity”, Marrakesh, Morocco, November 2013

  • Behnassi, M., Pollmann, O., Kissinger, G.: Sustainable Food Security in the Era of Local and Global Environmental Change; Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Olaf Pollmann, Gabrielle Kissinger, Springer Netherlands, ISBN 978-94-007-6718-8, June 2013

  • Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, O., Ferto, I.: Communication costs and wine trade in the European Union; 7th Annual Conference of the American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE), Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2013

  • Kautt, M., Furrer, R., Pollmann, O., Weber, M.: The Project Management of Sino-German Joint Research Projects in “Environmental Technology and Ecology” – A German Perspective. China-Germany Scientific Research Project Management Workshop; Pujiang Innovation Forum, Shanghai/China, November 2012

  • Pollmann, O.: In: Chapter: European-Chinese economic potential by effective resource management, Chapter: Co-edited by Szilard Podruzsik, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, June 2012

  • Bitterberg, Ch., Pollmann, O., Rasmussen M., Boldsen, R, Rolen, C.: Eco-Innovation activities in key countries beyond Europe, co-funded by the European Union in the 7th Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 266538, April 2012

  • Pollmann, O., Pollmann, N., Van Rensburg, L.: In: Metal Contamination: Sources, Detection and Environmental Impact; Chapter 6: Controlled Organic Treatment System for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and Municipal Waste Water, Co-edited by Shao Hong-Bo, Nova Science Publishers, United States of America, ISBN 978-1-61942-116-5, April 2012

  • Pollmann, O.: Quick Growth, Sustainable Growth - European and Chinese Developments, In International Journal of Society and Economy, ISSN (Print) 1588-9726 - ISSN (Online) 1588-970X, Published by Akademiai Kiado RT, Ungarn, December 2011

  • Pollmann, O.: Reduction of Anthropogenic Environmental Influences by Advanced and Optimized Technologies: Dissertation an der North-West University, South Africa, November 2011

  • Pollmann, O., Podruzsik, S., Pollmann, N., Van Rensburg, L.: Simulation of Carbon Consumption by Biological Models; International Conference on “The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis, and Food Insecurity”, Agadir, Morocco, May 2011

  • Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Sustainable Agriculture Development: Recent Approaches in Resources Management and Production Boosting, Chapter 5: Reforestation - Quality Improvement of Contaminated Mining Soil, Co-edited by Mohamed Behnassi, Joyce D’silva, and Shahid A. Shabbir, Springer Netherlands, ISBN-10: 9400705182, ISBN-13: 9789400705180, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-0519-7_5., March 2011

  • Pollmann, O., Meyer, S., Blumenstein, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Mine Tailings: Waste or Valuable Resource?; International Journal of Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Springer Verlag, Volume 1, No 4, ISSN 1877-2641 (print), 1877-265X (online), DOI: 10.1007/s12649-010-9042-6, December 2010

  • Meyer, S., Pollmann, O., Raschke, S., Blumenstein, O., Van Rensburg, L., Tobler, H.: Decision support systems: Scientific approach, requirements of structure and data on specific purpose types; 24th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection, “Integration of Environmental Information in Europe”, Köln/Bonn, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8322-8458-8, October 2010

  • Pollmann, O., Berger, S., Van Rensburg, L.: Recycling: Waste, Materials or Resources? New Ways of Thinking and Trendsetting Applications!; 20th WasteCon Conference and Exhibition “WasteCon 2010“; The Institute of Waste Management of South Africa (IWMSA), Pretoria, South Africa, ISBN 978-1-920017-49-1

  • Pollmann, O., Meyer, S., Blumenstein, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Mine Tailings: Waste, Contaminated Resource or Valuable Soil? Approach of Revalue Mine Tailings for the South African Market; 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Beijing, China, May 2010, ISBN 978-2-9511591-8-1

  • Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L., Wilson, F.: Optimising the Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Water by an Organic Medium - Passive Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) Treatment in South Africa; International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP), Inderscience Publisher, Volume 41, No 3/4, pp 336-354, ISSN 1741-5101 (Online), ISSN 0957-4352 (Print), DOI: 10.1504/IJEP.2010.033240, April 2010

  • Pollmann, O., Peters, R. Van Rensburg, L., Engel, N.: Traces of Endocrine Disrupting Activity in South African Water Systems; International Conference on Environmental Pollution, Restoration, and Management, SETAC Asia/Pacific Joint Conference, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, March 2010

  • Christian A. Lange, Martin Smit, Olaf Pollmann, Leon van Rensburg: Rehabilitation of South African mining dumps with young Karee trees (Searsia lancea) that were differentially fertilized; The 6th International Phytotechnologies Conference, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA, December 2009

  • Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L.: Reforestation - Quality Improvement of Contaminated Mining Soil; International Conference on “The Integration of Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development in the Context of Climate Change, the Energy Crisis, and Food Insecurity”, Agadir, Morocco, November 2009

  • Pollmann, O.: Using Evolutionary Algorithms to Optimize Anthropogenic Material Streams; International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence, Taylor & Francis, Volume 23, Issue 9, pp. 883-893, ISSN 1087-6545 (Online), ISSN 0883-9514 (Print), DOI: 10.1080/08839510903283339, Oktober 2009

  • Pollmann, O., Van Rensburg, L., Lange, C.: Reforestation and landscaping on mine tailings – a step forward in mine closure; International Mine Water Conference, hosted and organized by Water Institute of Southern Africa’s Mine Water Division together with the International Mine Water Association, Pretoria, South Africa, Oktober 2009

  • Controlled Organic Treatment System for Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) and Municipal Waste Water; International Conference under the aegis of Vikram Universty, IEMPS, Ujjain (venue – Indore), India, Volume I und II (Volume I, pp 419 – 426), November 2008

  • Soilification: man-made-soil as new resource for agriculture, reforestation and landscaping; Moving Organic Waste Recycling towards Resource Management and for the Biobased Economy (ORBIT), 6th International Conference in Wageningen, The Netherlands, ISBN 3-935974-20-5, Oktober 2008

  • Sewage Water Treatment including Elimination of Cytotoxicity and Endocrine Disruptors; The Second IASTED Africa Conference on Water Resource Management ~AfricaWRM 2008~, IASTED - International Association of Science and Technology Innovation for Development, Garborone, Botswana, ISBN 978-0-88986-766-6, September 2008

  • Optimising the Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Water by SupaZorb; Energy Globe 2007 – The World Award for Sustainability, begutachtetes und gelistetes Projekt zur nachhaltigen Wassernutzung (www.energyglobe.info), Mai 2008

  • Sustainable Full-scale Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Acid Mine Drainage (AMD); WISA Conference 2008 “The Confluence of the Water Industry” of the Water Institute of Southern Africa (WISA), ISBN 978-0-9802623-2-2, Mai 2008

  • Mine-Water clean-up goes organic; Article in: “The Water Wheel”, The Official Journal of the Water Research Commission (WRC), Vol. 6, No 6, ISSN 0258-2244, South Africa, November 2007

  • Africa's make-or-break sollution: Waste goes to work; Article in: “RéSource” – Integrated resource management toward cleaner production. The official journal of the Institute of Waste Management in Southern Africa (IWMSA), Vol. 9, No 4, ISSN 1680-4902, South Africa, November 2007

  • Quality guaranteed by an optimal recycled contend formula; Article in: “RéSource” – Integrated resource management toward cleaner production. The official journal of the Institute of Waste Management in Southern Africa (IWMSA), Vol. 9, No 3, ISSN 1680-4902, South Africa, August 2007

  • Optimising the Rehabilitation of polluted Mine Tailings and Water by SupaZorb; Article in: Environmental Experts Com, Online Publication, Section: Articles & Case Studies, July 2007

  • Mine water treatment study proposes new solution; Article/Interview in: Creamer Media’s Mining Weekly, Vol. 13, No. 16, ISSN 1562-9619, South Africa, May 2007

  • Optimierung anthropogener Stoffströme am Beispiel des Papierrecyclings; Dissertation, FB 13, TU Darmstadt, Schriftenreihe WAR 189, ISBN 3-932518-85-3, Oktober 2006

  • Simulation of Anthropogenic Processes of Urban Metabolism; Konferenz “WasteCon2006 - Bridging the Gab“; Institute of Waste Management Southern Africa, Südafrika, 2006

  • Konzeption virtueller Lehre in Kooperation internationaler Hochschulen; Konferenz “Advanced Technologies in Civil Engineering“; Hochschule für Verkehrswesen in Hanoi, Vietnam, 2005

  • Simulation von Herstellungsprozessen nach biologischem Vorbild; Forum Bauinformatik 2005 - Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, Seite 273 - 278, ISBN 3-934934-11-0 Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus, 2005

  • Simulation von Papierherstellungsprozessen nach biologischem Vorbild; Doktoranden-Seminar des WAR der TU Darmstadt auf Burg Rieneck, 2005

  • German Interest in the South African Situation of Waste Management

  • ; The Waste Paper, Monthly Magazine of THE INSTITUTE OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SOUTHERN AFRICA (IWMSA), 2005
  • Optimiertes Stoffstrommanagement durch den Einsatz digitaler Managementsysteme; Forum Bauinformatik 2004; Junge Wissenschaftler forschen, Seite 248 – 255, ISBN 3-8322-3233-8, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2004

  • e-Learning - Virtuelle Universität im Kontext!; Beitrag in „European Journal Vocational Training“, Ausgabe 31, Veröffentlicht in den Sprachen Deutsch,

  • Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch und Portugiesisch; European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2004
  • Gezieltes Recycling durch optimierte Umweltbilanzierung; Internationales Symposium für Bauwesen der Staatlichen Universität für Bauwesen Rostow am Don, Russland, 2004

  • Application and Utilization of Facility Management Systems in the Waste Disposal Industry, for the Recording and Monitoring of Hazardous Waste Products; Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium; S. Margherita di Pula (Cagliari), Sardinia, Italy, 2003

  • Nachgemessen - Wie genau ist GPS-Navigation in Kriegszeiten?; c't, Seiten 82-84, Ausgabe 08/2003

  • Einsatz digitaler Technologien zur Erfassung von Abfällen; Jährliches internationales Symposium für Bauwesen der Staatlichen Universität für Bauwesen Rostow am Don, Russland, 2003

  • Konzeption internationaler wissenschaftlicher Kooperationen zum Austausch von wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern und Stipendiaten; Jährliches internationales Symposium für Bauwesen der Staatlichen Universität für Bauwesen Rostow am Don, Russland, 2003

  • Numerische Berechnung der Brunnenzuströmung in einem gespannten Aquifer, 2000

  • Abgrenzung von Abfällen zur Verwertung und Abfällen zur Beseitigung - Übersicht über die rechtliche Situation - Auswirkungen auf die zukünftige Abfallentsorgung, 2000

  • Untersuchung und Bewertung von mikrobiellen (MVOC) und anthropogenen VOC in der Abluft von mechanisch-biologischen Abfallbehandlungsanlagen (MBA), 1999

  • Mitarbeit beim Forschungsbericht des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (bmb+f), 1999
    Thema: Bilanzierung von Umweltchemikalien bei der biologischen Vorbehandlung von Restabfällen, Phase 2